
Hi everyone!!

There are many, many reasons why I decided to study Japanese...

After the first episode of Akame Ga Kill, I was hooked into the world of anime. Japanese anime is one of my favorite things about living in the 21st century-- and being able to watch my favorites in their original language would be extremely cool.

I'm attracted to big cities and everything about them-- I love exploring and going on adventures. Cities such as New York, Tokyo, and Seoul, all amaze me and I want to get to know each and every one of them.

I would also like to work in foreign policy one day, and East Asia, along with the South China Sea, are pivotal areas for the United States to be engaged in. Being able to communicate better with the countries in this region would give me the ability to resolve conflicts there!


What I'm most excited about is being able to confidently write in Japanese! Mastering all three writing systems is such a feat!

Andrew Albor

3 件のコメント:

  1. こんにちわアルボーさん!
    What are some of your favorite animes? It has been a while since I watched any! What about big cities attracts you so much? じゃまたあした!!

  2. I'm also possibly interested in foreign relations! Are there any parts of the Japanese government that you find interesting or admire?

    1. おはよう ラッブサン!

      That's great! Maybe we could take a class on East Asian Politics/Relations together! One of the things I find most interesting is their election process! I find a lot of value from their process.
